Earlier crops
With most of the crops in our Kitchen Garden there is always a pressure for earlier...
Drainage and Aeration
We may be under-estimating and not optimising the undoubted benefits obtained by '...
Extending the harvest
Right now in this month of abundance there seems to be plenty but all too soon the...
Green manuring
The idea of green manuring is simple. We grow crops on the soil when it is not otherwise...
Greener manuring
Green manures, crops grown especially for returning to and improving the soil, have a...
In pot or border?
When I first started gardening I rarely had much of a garden, or one for very long. I...
More successful sowing
This month is when we begin sowing most crops in the open garden. So although we have...
Other than water I find mulches to be my greatest aid to getting more crops for less work...
Pollination concerns
Almost every fruit we grow needs pollinating and in many cases if we want the best crops...
Preparing for winter
Although there are always plenty of crucial jobs to be done at almost any time of the...
Pruning simplified
One of the things that may discourage gardeners from growing some sorts of fruit is the...
Self saved seeds
Saving our own seed for sowing over the following years is probably done by most of us...
Structures and siting
Rudyard Kipling's poem The Glory of the Garden reflected on "the potting sheds and planks...
Water storage
Our watering makes all the difference to most of our crops, and with some much more than...
Weeding methods
We all do it and indeed much of our total gardening time and effort is devoted to it yet...
Which tool?
One question I'm often asked at talks is 'which tool I consider most useful to a gardener...
Almost every garden most of will ever have known, at least those other than the very...
Fruit pollination
Almost every fruit we grow needs pollinating and in many cases if we want the best crops...
Grafting -for fun
Recently I was one of several gardeners putting together an excellent book on gardening...
Not another nut?
As you may have noticed in my previous articles I am obsessed by the need to develop more...
Not very hardy fruits
(Citrus, guava, loquat, myrtle, olive, physalis, melon and watermelon)
These tenderer...
Nut crop
The Nuts as a group have one immense drawback to most kitchen gardeners- they generally...
Pruning simplified
One of the things that may discourage gardeners from growing some sorts of fruit is the...
Stone fruits
The Prunus or Stone fruits, plums, cherries, peaches and apricots, are some of the most...
Strawberries and figs
What connection could there possibly be between these two fruits- other than both...
Summer pruning
In the fruit garden no work is so rewarding as summer pruning. A little effort spent on...
Vegetable fruits
Often excluded from works on fruit as they’...
Which grapes where
Over the last quarter century I have tried many dozen grapevines. Most of them in trials...
Your own vineyard
Grapes are one of the most varied of all fruits; they come in a host of different colours...
Curious experiments
There are strange plants in the world; have you ever heard of Laburno-cytisus adamsii?...
Good old days
People sometimes use the phrase 'the good old days'. I wonder which period they could be...
How long will it last?
Plant lives and how we alter them.In a way a garden is not so much a thing as a process,...
Limiting Factors
A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. A limiting factor is rather like that...
Magic in the garden
Organic gardening was once labelled 'all muck and magic' but now as we start to...
Spreading our diet
I've heard it said that many Japanese try to eat thirty different foods a day and one...
There's no evidence...
An argument has been going on in kitchen gardens for over a hundred and fifty years. Ever...
Asparagus time
There is no crop more valuable than asparagus. Not just by financial measures either,...
Better tomatoes
There is probably no more widely grown crop than tomatoes. Almost every kitchen garden...
Cabbages and coles
When you think of kitchen gardens you think of cabbages, well maybe other things as well...
Earlier crops!
With most of the crops in our Kitchen Garden there is always a pressure for earlier...
Now I want salads….
One of the perversities of our human condition is the desire for foods when they’re out...
Perennial vegetables
Although any favourite crop is worth whatever efforts it takes, on the whole it's better...
Rarely grown esculents
Of the tens of thousands of plants available our remote ancestors found a few they could...
Sweet corn success
You never taste the finest sweet corn unless you grow it yourself. Buying frozen or '...
Backyard livestock
So you already grow your own vegetables and fruits, make your own pickles, jams, juices...
Beekeeping reconsidered
I used to keep bees, then when the lice like parasite varroa arrived I quit although now...
Bob's bits and bobs
Hands up any gardener who has not at least one recycled plastic bottle in use as a cloche...
Garden fiends or foes
At talks and question times over the years I have heard so many tales of woe but not...
Pruning problem solved
An old boy said to me the other day something quite true of his carpentry that applied...
Store what where?
Often the problem is not of growing a crop but of having it when you want it. The...
Whether or not you think anyone should smoke or snuff Tobacco it is still an interesting...
Well, well, well
I live in East Anglia, the driest region in the country with an average of only 18-22...
Winter salads
Salads are often thought of as food for summer days. Indeed they are then often most...
Better tomatoes
There is probably no more widely grown crop than tomatoes. Almost every kitchen garden...
Citrus fruits
The citrus family have long been favourite greenhouse and conservatory subjects. Indeed...
Hot beds revisited
Used since Roman times with a coldframe on top hot beds were often referred to in older...
In pot or border?
When I first started gardening I rarely had much of a garden, or one for very long. I...
Melons and Watermelons
There can be few crops that are worth more apiece than melons and watermelons. These are...
Peppers Sweet and Hot
I doubt there is any other vegetable that has so rapidly become so widely popular even...
Winter fruits
Some ‘exotic’ winter cropping fruits are hardy enough to survive mild winters almost...
Winter salads
Salads are often thought of as food for summer days. Indeed they are then often most...