Sweet corn success
You never taste the finest sweet corn unless you grow it yourself. Buying frozen or 'fresh' cobs, from the supermarket or even a farmer's roadside stall, will not guarantee you really fresh. Even if you grow sweet corn yourself it's likely you may still not have had it absolutely fresh. You see in only a matter of minutes sweet corn starts to deteriorate, in particular it becomes more starchy and less sweet. The drive home in your car is long enough to reduce the quality noticeably.
I am not joking I put the saucepan of water on to boil before I go to pick the cobs, then having plucked them I dehusk them whilst jogging back to the kitchen. Seriously, try it for yourself, pick one cob and mark it then half an hour later pick another and immediately put both in boiling water; you will taste the difference I promise you.
But first, as Mrs Beeton is supposed to have said, catch your rabbit. Growing sweet corn in our fickle climate is only sporadically successful. Fortunately it's neither pest nor disease prone, indeed sweet corn is simple enough to cultivate and not even too demanding as to soil. But for a good yield of sweet cobs they need to be growing, and even more importantly ripening, during sunny weather. I'm lucky I'm in the sunniest part of the UK and most years East Anglia has good summers. Even so only one out of three or four batches of sowings will be really excellent, and some years not even that. In the cooler, less bright North and West sweet corn becomes more difficult still. However with ingenuity, or by taking it under cover, crops can be grown even in Scotland.
There are distinct advantages to growing lots of sweet corn to the point of excess. Firstly it really does need to be planted in blocks to ensure pollination. But it also really wants to be sown in batches to hit the best growing and ripening windows with at least one lot. Thus I grow at least four or five separate batches; I will eat the best, process the second best for winter use and then dry the poorer batches for chicken and bird food. And because sweet corn does not suffer many pests or diseases common to our vegetables or fruits it is an excellent crop for filling up spare capacity and providing shelter for others nearby.
Indeed sweet corn is an easy plant to inter-crop with companion plants. Sweet corn needs a fairly wide spacing to give big cobs and the dappled light underneath is well suited to most of the marrow family who can run between the stems and in warmer countries melons thrive under corn. Likewise the corn can carry a crop of climbing beans either for eating green or for drying and the beans feed the corn with the nitrogen they crave so improving the cobs. In fact when De Soto the explorer first saw sweet corn it was being grown by South American indigenous peoples as one of a triple crop with both beans and squashes. I find you can also grow dwarf peas and even potatoes underneath by expanding the corn's spacing a bit more. Trailing Nasturtiums do best of all, they love running under and over corn and I pickle the seeds which are cleaner if they are off the ground.
But back to the problem of growing a good crop in the first place. The first essential is a good summer but we can't do much about that except try and improve their micro-climate as much as possible in ways I described in a previous article. Sweet corn is unhappy in cold wet soils and can be damaged by hard frosts but cold winds often do the most harm to the young plants by shredding their leaves. So some early protection, such as cloches, is useful, especially in exposed places and or the plants may be started off under cover and planted out later when they are sturdier and the weather has improved. However it is rather unfortunate but corn does not like being grown in pots and positively resents transplanting. Thus great care has to be taken or the plants sulk or bolt either way giving a poor crop however this method is more certain than sowing directly in situ which gives the best plants, when ever they come up.
I prefer Organic or my own saved seed as I don't reckon the coatings of chemicals they apply to some commercial seed do any good, and they probably do harm. They certainly don't stop the seed rotting. Coming from a warmer country sweet corn needs warmth to germinate so sowing in pots of poor wet compost simply causes the seeds to rot no matter how much fungicide they're soaked in. The compost must be open and free draining, and not wet or too rich, although corn is a hungry plant it's roots are sensitive to the ammonia given off in cold wet compost. The roots rot then the leaves yellow and die.
Sweet corn also needs lots of compost, preferably in deep rather than wide pots. I have grown the plants in toilet roll tubes, newspaper tubes and in blocks of turf, all worked, and the turf best of all, but pots are more convenient. I sow two seeds per pot and if both germinate leave them both as although a single plant apparently does better I find I get more cobs with pairs of plants grown together.
Ideally the young plants need maximum light and to be kept frost free but not too warm. If the plants are kept in bright conditions but too warm they flourish but grow too big and soft. In the more preferable bright but colder conditions they need to be kept on the dry side to prevent their roots rotting. In dim conditions they simply sulk and die. To try and hit the best window I sow several batches starting in early April and later go on to direct sowing in May.
My plants in pots are not usually potted up as such but may be 'topped up' at the bottom. When the roots poke through the holes the plants are carefully evicted so an extra layer of compost can be inserted and the plants slipped back in again. The roots must be prevented from growing out of the holes or they will be damaged when the pot is removed. Other than repotting the best way is to have the pots standing on rigid wire netting or glass so that the roots see the light which repels them and they are then more inclined to stay within the compost. Standing the pots in a tray is inviting the roots to mat outside the pot and should be avoided.
When the plants and weather are ready I plant out, normally plants are hardened off for several days first but I use individual plastic bottle cloches and pre-warmed holes. The holes are made, covered with a cloche a week or so early to warm up. Normally I set the holes about two feet each way depending on any inter crop and the number of doubles which require more space than singletons. The holes are made deep and the plants set deep within, watered in and given a bottle cloche each.
Once the plants have established and grown big enough to fill the bottle then the protection is removed. Ideally this is done early on a still grey morning so they can get used to the blast of the raw elements. At the same time their bases are earthed up in their holes, this secures the plants and ensures copious basal rooting. With the extra roots the plants usually tiller so forming three or more shoots apiece with as many cobs per plant though as I've said much more depends on the weather.